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Office of Head Start PIR Announcement
PIR Not Required This Year

The following statement was released in the Head Start Enterprise System on April 23, 2020:

The 2019-2020 Program Information Report (PIR) will not be required this year. OHS wants to eliminate the reporting burden of the PIR as well as remove any confusion on how certain elements of the PIR could be collected and interpreted when programs are closed. Additionally, programs are not required to submit PIR data on services provided in a supplemental summer program.

What ChildPlus is doing in response:

For the time being, PIR fields and reporting options based on the 2019-2020 PIR Form will remain available in ChildPlus. We are working on an update that will support the changes in the 2020-2021 PIR Form and will notify you as soon as more information is available.

ChildPlus applauds the decision of OHS to remove the PIR requirement for this year. Though the PIR is important, the decision to eliminate the burden and confusion of trying to complete a PIR report during the COVID-19 crisis seems extremely wise to us.