Thank you for your interest in Seton Hill Child Services, Inc! We are excited to provide you with quality care and education for your child! If you need assistance filling out this application, please call (724) 836-0099. If you are applying for Early Head Start, Head Start, or Pre-K Counts, please be sure to provide your household income for eligibility. When meeting with the Family Resource Specialist for enrollment, you will be required to provide proof of income (12 months prior to application date), proof of cash assistance, SSI documentation, SNAP card or Foster Placement letter to be considered for the program. PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS OF THE APPLICATION!
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PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS *You are not required to fill out household income if you are applying for the Private Program, however, Early Head Start, Head Start, and Pre-K Counts Programs require income verification. For those programs please fill out the income section with the last 12 months of income. Please remember a Family Resource Specialist will call upon enrollment to ensure you have your proof of income (12 months prior to application date), proof of cash assistance, SSI documentation, SNAP card, or Foster Placement letter to be considered for the program. All documents and information that are received by SHCS will be kept confidential.
PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS. In the area for additional notes please provide us with the School District in which you reside. All information is kept confidential.
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Thank you for your interest in Seton Hill Child Services, Inc. Please make sure all areas of your application are completed then click submit to finalize your application. The Family Resource Specialist will contact you at their earliest convenience to set up an enrollment appointment.
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