Thank you for your interest in the HWC Adventure Head Start Program. Please complete the entire application and click submit at the bottom. On the "Location Preferences" section, you must first choose Head Start (ages 3-4) or Early Head Start (pregnant women and children ages 0-2). If you have submitted an application in the past for any child in the family, please call (918)967-0748 or email Shelly Rethman at
Please provide us with this information for the Primary Adult.
Click here to find a provider in your area.
- Your Address - Available Locations
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Click here to find a provider in your area.

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Thank you for your interest in the HWC Adventure Head Start Program. By submitting this application, you agree to your contact information being shared with your Local Education Agency (Public School) in an effort to coordinate any screening services for your child regardless of acceptance into the program. Please click "Submit" to finalize your application. We will contact you when we begin scheduling our eligibility interviews.
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