Complete the information and submit. All information will be kept confidential. We offer services to children ages birth to five and pregnant women. Any family may apply for Head Start, but priority is given to eligible families and children with special needs (disabilities). We serve the following counties: Rock, Nobles, Pipestone, and Murray.
Please answer questions about education, employment and income based on the date of the application. For teen parents, only enter "Yes" if 19 years or younger on the date of application.
Click here to find a provider in your area.
  Fill out this section only if the Secondary Adult is the child's other parent, authorized caregiver, or legally responsible party. In addition, it could be another adult living at home with the child, being supported by the child's parents or guardians, and being related by blood, marriage, or adoption to the child's parent(s).
- Your Address - Available Locations
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Thank you for your interest in the SMOC Head Start program. Please click Submit to finalize your interest information. We will contact you to set up an intake appointment within 14 days upon receiving your application. Plan for a 30-minute appointment. Please bring with you to the appointment the following documents: Proof of all income from the last 12 months (1040 tax form, W-2s, child support statements, SSI, Social Security benefits, unemployment compensation, workers compensation, scholarships, grants, foster care placement), Child's birth certificate, Insurance card (if applicable). If possible, please bring the following also: Immunization record, Physical Exam, and Dental Exam.
Required information is missing, see above.