Thank you for applying for UCAP's Head Start Program. After you have submitted the application, a staff person will contact you in 1-5 working days to confirm the information submitted, ask a few more questions and collect your income documentation. If you have already filled out an application with someone, or have applied for another child in your family in the past, please do not submit another application, email instead.

You can find out the status of your application by sending an email to

Income documentation is required to process your application.

  • We will need 12 months' worth of your household income or proof of public assistance (SNAP, MFIP, or SSI), or foster care documentation, or a signed statement that you are experiencing homelessness.
    • Examples: Federal Tax Form from the previous year, W-2's from all jobs held the previous year, your most recent MFIP Cash Benefit Statement, SNAP documentation, or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Statement, or Paystubs showing the last 12 months.

    Please also have your child's immunizations available.

    You can call if you have any questions 1-800-992-1710 ext. 1625 or email at

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Do you want to apply now for another child in your family?

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Are there other children in the family?

Add a Sibling
Thank you for your interest in our program. Please allow 1-5 business days for someone to contact you to set up an appointment to finish the application process. Thank you!
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