**For NEW families only. Returning families please call the center for an appointment.** Thank you for your interest in the Delaware County Intermediate Unit’s Early Head Start program! Please enter all information accurately and to the best of your knowledge on the subsequent pages. The information you will need to complete the online registration is: - Name and birth date of every person in the house. - Address and phone number. - Email address for primary adult, and if applicable, secondary adult. - Health Insurance card for insurance numbers. - Name and phone number for doctor and dentist. Please have this information with you to complete the online application. If there is a particular site you would like your child to attend, you will have the option to specify which site you prefer. You MUST complete the application at one time. Once you have completed and submitted your application, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided. If you do not have an email address, you will need to create one prior to continuing.
First Name (Required)
Middle Name
Last Name (Required)
Birthday (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Confirm Email Address
It appears that you have previously submitted an application. If you wish to apply again, please contact us by phone or in person.
Mobile Phone (Required)
Opt In for Text Messages
Home Phone (Required)
Work Phone (Required)
It appears that you have previously submitted an application. If you wish to apply again, please contact us by phone or in person.
Race (Required)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Hispanic (Required)
Lives with Family (Required)
English Proficiency (Required)
Other Language
African Languages
American Sign Language
Caribbean Languages
East Asian
European & Slavic
Middle Eastern & South Asian
Native Central & South American & Mexican
Native North American
Pacific Island
Other Language Proficiency
Highest Grade Completed (Required)
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
College Degree/Training Cert.
College or Advance Training
General Education Diploma
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade 9 or less
High School Graduate
Master's Degree
Employment Status (Required)
Full-time & Training
Full-time (35 hours/week or more)
Part-time & Training
Part-time (Under 35 hours/week)
Retired or Disabled
Seasonally Employed
Training or School
Child's Relationship (Required)
Other Relative
Custody (Required)
Provides Financial Support (Required)
Teen Parent (Required)
If Teen Parent, Subsidized? (Required)
Is your family experiencing homelessness?
Living Address (Required)
Address Line 2
City (Required)
State (Required)
ZIP (Required)
Click here
to find a provider in your area.
Mailing Address same as Living Address
Mailing Address (Required)
Address Line 2
City (Required)
State (Required)
ZIP (Required)
Additional Parent/Guardian
Is there another parent/guardian in the family?
First Name (Required)
Middle Name
Last Name (Required)
Birthday (Required)
Email Address
Confirm Email Address
It appears that you have previously submitted an application. If you wish to apply again, please contact us by phone or in person.
Mobile Phone
Opt In for Text Messages
Home Phone
Work Phone
It appears that you have previously submitted an application. If you wish to apply again, please contact us by phone or in person.
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Lives with Family
English Proficiency
Other Language
African Languages
American Sign Language
Caribbean Languages
East Asian
European & Slavic
Middle Eastern & South Asian
Native Central & South American & Mexican
Native North American
Pacific Island
Other Language Proficiency
Highest Grade Completed
Associate's Degree
Bachelor's Degree
College Degree/Training Cert.
College or Advance Training
General Education Diploma
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade 9 or less
High School Graduate
Master's Degree
Employment Status
Full-time & Training
Full-time (35 hours/week or more)
Part-time & Training
Part-time (Under 35 hours/week)
Retired or Disabled
Seasonally Employed
Training or School
Child's Relationship
Other Relative
Provides Financial Support
Teen Parent
If Teen Parent, Subsidized?
Family Information
Please enter all of the information below accurately. The following are some helpful hints when completing this information: Parental Status: - Single Parent – if only one of the child’s parents live in the house - Two Parent – if both of the child’s parents live in the same house - Grandparent – if grandparent(s) have guardianship/custody of child All other information is completed with drop-down answers.
Number of Parents/Guardians (Required)
One Parent Family
Two Parent Family
Relationship to Participant(s) (Required)
Foster parent(s) not including relatives
Parent(s) (e.g. biological, adoptive, stepparents)
Relative(s) other than grandparents
Primary Language at Home (Required)
African Languages
American Sign Language
Caribbean Languages
East Asian
European & Slavic
Middle Eastern & South Asian
Native Central & South American & Mexican
Native North American
Pacific Island
Is another language being acquired or learned at home?
Gross Annual Income (Required)
Is your family receiving cash benefits or other services under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program? (Required)
Is your family receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? (Required)
Is your family receiving services from WIC? (Required)
WIC ID (if applicable) (Required)
Is your family receiving services under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly referred to as Food Stamps? (Required)
Is at least one parent/guardian an active duty member of the United States military?
Is at least one parent/guardian a veteran of the United States military?
Emergency Contacts
Add Emergency Contact
Child (Applicant)
Please enter all required information. The child you are registering for Early Head Start is considered the Applicant. The medical coverage information will be located on the child’s health insurance card.
First Name (Required)
Middle Name
Last Name (Required)
Birthday (Required)
Gender (Required)
Race (Required)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Hispanic (Required)
English Proficiency (Required)
Other Language
African Languages
American Sign Language
Caribbean Languages
East Asian
European & Slavic
Middle Eastern & South Asian
Native Central & South American & Mexican
Native North American
Pacific Island
Other Language Proficiency
Primary Health Coverage (Required)
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
No Insurance
Private Health Insurance
Other Coverage
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
No Insurance
Private Health Insurance
Insurance Number (Required)
Medicaid Eligibility
Not Eligible
On Medicaid
Potentially Eligible
Medicaid Number
Doctor/Medical Home (Required)
A.S.W. Pediatrics
Abbottsford Fall Family Practice
Abington Peds
Access Dental
Ackroyd Pediatrics
Adedokun Akinyooye
Advantage Care Physicians
AdventHealth Care-Leesbury
Advocare Childre's Medical Asso
Advocare Children's Medical Ass
Advocare Fairmont Pediatrics
Advocare Fairmount Pediatrics
Advocare Pediatric Medical Assoc
Advocare Ridley Park
Advocare Society Hill Peds
AFC Urgent Care
AI Dupont
Albany Med General Pediatrics Gr
Albert Einstein Pediatric and Am
Albert Turk, D.M.D.
Alexander Bunt, Jr., D.O.
Allegheny Avenue Pediatrics
amanda K Sullivan
Ambler Pediatrics
Ambulatory Peds
AMC General Pediatrics
Amnion Pregnancy Center
Andorra Pediatrics
Aneel Gursahaney, MD pediatrics
Angel Kids Pediatrics
Aradhana Ishwar
Ardmore Chestnut Pediatrics
Ashely Nicole Henderson, MD
Balmont Family Practice
Bethany Pediatrics
Bethany Pediatrics Chester
Bethany Pediatrics UD
Brandywine Pediatrics
Brantz & Liedman Associates
Brevard Health Alliance
Brighton Pediatrics
Brinton Lake Family Medicine
Broomall Pediatric Associates
Broomall Pediatrics
Bryn Mawr Family
Bryn Mawr Pediatrics
Buerger Allergy
Buerger Ophthalmology
Byars Health Clinic
Bywood Family Practice Medical
Care Network Chestnut Hill
Care Network Cobbs Creek
Care Network Drexel Hill
Care Network Highpoint
care network karabots
Care Network Media
Care Network South Philadelphia
Care Network Springfield
Care Stat Urgent Care
Carl Moore Health Center
Castor Pediatrics, P.C.
Center City Pediatrics
Center for Child and Adolesent H
Center For Family Health
Center for the Urban Child
Chang, Lebita and Recla
Cherry Hill Family Dental
ChesPenn Center
ChesPenn Health Center
ChesPenn Health Services
Chester County Pediatrics
Chester Lead Prevention
Chester Penn Health Services
Children's Advocare
children's dental health associa
Children's Dental Health Associa
Children's Dentist
Children's Health Center
Children's Medical
Chinatown Dental Center
Chinatown Medical Services
CHMG Family Medicine-Broomall
CHOP Cardiology
Chop Care Network
CHOP Care Network (Chadds Ford)
CHOP Care Network - South Phila
CHOP Care Network Broomall
CHOP Care Network Cobbs Creek
CHOP Care Network Cobbs Creek
CHOP Care Network Drexel Hill
CHOP Care Network Drexel Hill
CHOP Care Network Haverford
chop care network haverford
Chop care network kennett
Chop Care Network North Hills
Chop Care Network Roxborough
CHOP Care Network Springfield
Chop General Pediatric Faculty P
Chop Gibbsboro Care Network
CHOP Karabots Ped Care Center
CHOP Network, Media
CHOP philadelphia
Chop Primary Care Center
CHOP primary care center
Christina Care Pediatric
city line health
City Line Peds
Claymont Family Health Services
Colgate Pediatrics
Community Care Center
Complete Care Health Network
Concord Medical, INC
Concored Medicine & Pediatrics
Cooper Pedatrics Care
Covenant House Health Services
Crozer Chester Medical Center
Crozer Keyston Womens Health
Crozer Keystone Center for Fam
Crozer Keystone Women's Health
Crozer Keystone Womens Health DH
Crozer Medical Assoc. Ridley Pro
Crozer Medical Plaza at Brition
Crozer Pediatric Physicians
Cynthia LaCapra MD
Cynthia Warren
Daid Klieman
daniel R. Taylor
Danielle Nicholson , DO
Darby Medical Associates, Inc
Darren Franczyk MD
David M Baxter
David Pollack
Debrah S Voulalas
Delaware County Memorial
Delaware Health/Social Services
Delaware Pediatrics
Delaware Physicians Care
delaware valley community health
Delaware Valley Women's Care
Delco Kids
Denistry for Children & Adolesce
Dep. Of Services For Children
Department of Health
Despina Tsirakoglou D.O.
Deweiler Family Medicine
Donna Delfin D.O
Dr Shirlee Drayton-Brooks
Dr Allen Harris DO
Dr Emily F Gregory
Dr Jacqueline Scheier
DR Stacy Beth Ellen DO
Dr Tasmin Beg
Dr. A. Henry
Dr. Albert J. Lehimicke
Dr. Allison E. Myers
Dr. Allison Gaudet
Dr. Amishi Shah
Dr. Andrew Henderson
Dr. Anthony DiMarco
Dr. Anthony Luistro
Dr. Arbeter Allan
Dr. Aveta
Dr. Barbara Ann Kelly
Dr. Barbara Picard
Dr. Betsy Race
Dr. Bunt
Dr. Caballero
Dr. Carlos
Dr. Charlene Brock MD
Dr. Civillico
Dr. Claudia Ferran
Dr. Crawford Faucher
Dr. Crowell
Dr. D. Pollack
Dr. Dada
Dr. Dan Moscow
Dr. Daniel Dada
Dr. David Bresler
Dr. David Carola
Dr. David T O'gurek
Dr. David Waldman
Dr. Dawn Kobrin-Merritts
Dr. Deborah Bross-Drop
Dr. Debra Popwich
Dr. Denise Wynne-Baker
Dr. Despina Tsirakoglou
Dr. Diane Percell
Dr. Dionte Richard
Dr. Dong Park
Dr. Dyanne Westerberg
Dr. Edgar Collazo
Dr. Eileen Moghadam
Dr. Elaine Reed
Dr. Elizabeth Bowen
Dr. Elliot
Dr. Emily Molina
Dr. Eric B Shapiro
Dr. Eric D Berger
Dr. Eung Ryong Choi
Dr. Franczyk
Dr. G. Lee Lerch and Assoc.
Dr. Gary Zalman
Dr. George Kenis
Dr. George Manalo
Dr. Gerald Regni
Dr. Gerri O'Hara
Dr. Glenn Gray
Dr. Goldberg
Dr. Holly Green
Dr. Inna London
Dr. Irisaida Martinez
Dr. Issy C. Esangbedo
Dr. Jacqueline Aveta
Dr. Jacqueline Genova
Dr. Jacqueline Gibbons
Dr. James Lin
Dr. Jane Tobias
Dr. Jayalazmi Raman
Dr. Jayne Brown MD
Dr. Jeanette Mighty
Dr. Jeanne Sandella
Dr. Jenny Lemper
Dr. Jeremiah Goldstein
Dr. Jill Foster
Dr. Joel S. Goldberg
Dr. John Munshower
Dr. John Ruffini
Dr. Juan Espinoza
Dr. Karen Angell
Dr. Kathryn Kauffman
Dr. Kazi M Islam
Dr. Khanh Che
Dr. Kiet Thai, MD
Dr. Kristen Berry
Dr. Kristen Newman
Dr. Lakambini D. Recla MD
Dr. Laura Layer
Dr. Lauren Kostelnik
Dr. Lebieta and Chang
Dr. Leo Altamirano
Dr. Linda Martin
Dr. Lisa E. Flores
Dr. Lisa Freedman, M.D
Dr. Lisa Schaffer
Dr. M. Archbold
Dr. Magdy Mohammed
Dr. Margaret B Fagon
Dr. Maria de le Cruz
Dr. Maria Farias
Dr. Maria Scott
Dr. Maureen McMahon
Dr. Maurice Daniels
Dr. McDonald
Dr. McGee
Dr. McNett
Dr. Michael Cafone
Dr. Michael Cho
Dr. Michael Mullaney
Dr. Michael Torrence
Dr. Michael Wisser, D.O.
Dr. Miller
Dr. Mira Gohez
Dr. Mitchell A. Kaminski, M.D.
Dr. Mona Chaudiary
Dr. Morris McCray
Dr. Narendra Desai, MD
Dr. Nelson
Dr. Nelson Santos
Dr. Nghia Phan
Dr. Nick Carrot
Dr. Nimmi K. Kothari
Dr. O'Donnell
Dr. Olivia T Dimaggio
Dr. Patricia Sandford
Dr. Paul Ringiewicz
Dr. Paula Brenn
Dr. Paula Larson
Dr. Pete Warrington
Dr. Popowich
Dr. Pullen
Dr. Rachel Clark
Dr. Randell Drain
Dr. RB Dnysdale
Dr. recla
Dr. Regina M. Simonetti
Dr. Renee Sammaritano
Dr. Richard DiMonte
Dr. Richard Kaplan
Dr. Robert Herman
Dr. Rochelle Teachey
Dr. Rosemary
Dr. Rosemary Casey
Dr. Russell C. Applegate
Dr. Ryan M Mascio
Dr. Sandy Harmon
Dr. Sean Scott
Dr. Shaayer
Dr. Sharon A. Winter
Dr. Shawn McGinley
Dr. Shilpa Bansal
Dr. Shoba Cherian
Dr. Sima Karpel-Shipon
Dr. Skromax
Dr. Soorita Goorah
Dr. Stankiewicz
Dr. Stephanie Chiupek
Dr. Stephanie Walsh
Dr. Stephen Fisher
Dr. Steven M. Gewirtzman
Dr. Steven Solow
Dr. Susan Lipson
Dr. Theodore Whitney
Dr. Tomika Gum
Dr. Tushar Mehta
Dr. Tzola David
Dr. Vera Rao
Dr. Vincent Baldino
Dr. Vincent Depanicis
Dr. William McCafferty
Dr. William Mucklow, DDS
Dr. Windell Murphy
Dr. Yagnik
Dr. Yehchiu Hseih MD
Dr.Charlene Chen
Drexel Hill Pediatrics
Drexel Hill Pediatrics
Drexel OB/GYN
Drexel University Women's Care C
Drs Grossman & Bartolanzo
EAU Claire Cooperative Health
Ehrlich and Levey Pediatrics
Einstein Heallthcare Network
Einstein Pediatrics
Einstien Medical Center Phila
Elagant Smiles
Elegant Smiles
Elite Dental
Elmer Pediatrics
Elmhurst Hospital Center
Elwyn Learning Services hearing
Emily Mangioracina
Esperanza Health Center
Eung-Ryong Choi, MD
Everest Medical Care
Eye Site
Fairmont Primary Care
Fairmont Primary Care
Falls Pediatric & Teen Care
Family Care and Women's Health
Family Care Associates
Family Care Center @ CHOP
Family First Health
Family Medical Care
Family Medicine
Family Medicine at PCOM
Family Medicine PMCU
Family Physicians
Family Physicians @ Middletown
Family Physicians at Garrett Roa
family physicians at the pavilli
Family Planning Council
Fast Family Care
First State Pediatrics
Florida Health
Foundation Pediatrics
FPCN- Health Annex
Frankford Avenue Health Center
Franklin Sencion
Gateway Pediatrics
Georgia Dept. of Human Resources
Germantown Pediatrics
Gordon-Klinow Pediatric Asso.
GPHA- Wilson
GPHA- Woodland
Greater Philadelphia Health Act
Greenpoint Pediatrics Center
Haddington Health Center
Hahnemann University Hospital
Han Crozer
Hanover Family Medicine
Health Annex
Health Annex at Mill Creek
Health Care Center #4
Health Care Center #9
Health Center #3
Health Center #5
Health Center 10
Health Center 2
Health center 6
Health Center 6
Healthcare clinic at Walgreens
Healthy Starts Pediatrics, PC
Henrietta Johnson Medical center
Heritage Valley Medical Group
Hoboken Pediatrics
Holland Pediatrics
Holyoke Health
Infants, children and youth
Jacqueline Baker
Jacqueline Dejesse
Jefferson Family Medical Assoc
jennifer higgins
JJC of Philadelphia
Jonathan Miller
June Elcock-Messam
Karabots Pediatric Care Center
Karen Trabulsi
Kathleen Ryan
Kathryn P Miller
katie yori
Kazi M. Islam, M.D
Keit Thai, M.D.
Kelly Myers
Kevin Browngoehl, MD
Kevin Kilmartin PA-C
Kids First
Kids First
Kids First (Haverford)
Kids First Chadds Ford
Kids First Drexel Hill
Kids First Media
Kids First Roxboroh
Kids First Springfield
Kids Smiles
Kids Smiles 2
Kings County Hospital Center
Kis First Media
Kisha Beg MD
Lakambini D. Recla
Lancaster Ave Healthcare Center
Lankenau Medical Center
Lansdowne Eye Associates
Lansdowne Park Pediatrics
Lifecycle Woman Care
Linda D Martin MD
Little Ones Pediatrics
LlA-Plus Dental Care
Locust medical center
Lover Merion
LR Family Care
LR Family Care
LR Family Medical Care
Maggie Brodnik
Main Line Pediatrics
Main Line Women's Health
manette ness-cochinwala MD
Marc Roberts
Margaret Fagan
Maria De Los Santos Health Cente
Mark J.Sey M.D
Mark Margano
Medexpress urgent care
Media Care Network
Media Pediatrics
Memphis Street Pediatrics
Mercy Family Health Care
Mercy Fitgerald Hospital
Mercy Medical Associates
Michelle Hepburn
Milmont Park Family Practice
MLHC Riddle Pediatrics
Montefiore Wakefield Ambulatory
Moore Eye Institute
Mt. Airy Pediatrics, PC
Myron Rodos DO
Narullah Khan MD
Nasereen Ghazi
Nasreen Hazi, MD
Neighborhood and Family Health C
Nemors Clinic
Nemours Children's Health
Nemours Childrens Health
Nemours Concordville
Nemours Dupont Hospital for Chil
Nemours DuPont Pediatrics
Nemours DuPont Pediatrics
nemours dupont pediatrics
Nemours DuPont Pediatrics Media
Nemours Pediatrics
Nemours Pediatrics - Lankenau
Nemours Pediatrics Phila
Newtown Family Dentistry
norristown care network
Norristown Regional Health Cente
Northeast Pediatric Dental
Northeastern Dentistry@Cottman
nursing center at PEC
Office of Early Intervention
Osborn Family Health Center
Partners In Health Pediatrics
Patricia Sandiford
PCOM Healthcare Centers
PCOM Lancaster Division
Ped/Adolescent center of Phila
Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine
Pediatric & Preventive Medicine
Pediatric Asso Crozer Med Center
Pediatric Associates
Pediatric Associates (Glen Mill)
Pediatric Associates of Paoli
Pediatric Care Group
Pediatric Continuity Practice
Pediatric Dental Associates
Pediatric Medical Associates (H)
Pediatric Plus
Pediatrics & Medical-Peds Dept.
Penn Family Care
Penn State Medical Group
Philadelphia FIGHT Health Center
Philadelphia Health Assoc.
Pizzica Pediatrics
Planned Parenthood Upper Darby
Pocono Kids Pediatrics
Prevention of Blindness
Primary Care
Primary Care
Primary Care
Primary Care
Primary Care Center
Primary Care Concord
Primary Care Doylestown
Primary Care, West Chester
Project H.O.P.E. Inc
Prospect Health
Providence Pediatrics
Puentes De Salud
Quality Community Healthcare, In
Queen Village Pediatrics
Rainbow Pediatrics
Rame Ragothaman
Reddy Medical Group,LLC
renee sammaritano
Richard M. DiMonte Sr. D.O.
Riddle Pediatrics
Rosemary Vickers MD
Roxborough Pediatrics
Safiyya Shabazz, MD
Saint Francis Healthcare
Sanford Heights Pediatrics
Sayre Health Center
SecretisCare Family Practice
Sentara Pediatric Physicians
Sheller Family Health Services
South Jersey Family Medical Cent
South Philadelphia Pediatrics
Southampton Pediatric Associates
Southeast Health Center
Spectrum Community Health Center
Springfield Hospital
St. Chris Pediatrics Associates
St. Christopher's Hospital
St. Joseph Health Center
St. Mary Children Health Center
Stadium Nutrition
Star Dental
Stephanie A. Chuipek
Sterling Optical
Strawberry Mansion Health Center
Suburban Family Medicine at Norr
Swarthmore Peds
Temple Pediatric Care
Temple Phys @ Liberty Sq
The Pediatric and Adolescent Med
The Stephen & Sandra Sheller
theresa lang childrens center
Total Pediatrics Care
TPI at Liberty Square/Peds
Tri-County Pediatrics
Trinity Pediatrics
UMH Family Medicine Center
University City Family Medicine
University of Penn Family Care
University of Penn Medical Ctr
Upper Darby Denistry
Urban Health Plan Inc.
Urgent Care Facility
Urgent Care/American Family Care
UW Health
VNA Community Services
W. Kellum, MD
We Care Pediatrics
West Side Dental
Westside Family Healthcare
Wheatlyn Family Medicine
Widener Community Nursing Clinic
WillsEye Hospital
Wilson Park Medical Center
Woodland Ave Health Center #9
Dental Coverage (Required)
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
No Insurance
Private Health Insurance
Dental Coverage Number (Required)
Dentist/Dental Home (Required)
11 street heath
20-20 Dentisry
A-Plus Dental Care
A1 Pediatric Dental
AB Dental Group
abbotts Falls Dental office
Absolute Smile
Access Dental
Access Dental Center Inc
Advance Dental
Advanced Family Dentistry
Advanced Family Smile Care
Advocare Childrens Medical Assoc
Aldan Family Dental PC
Aldan Family Dental PC
Allegheny Peds
Ameri Dental Group P.C.
American Dental
American Dental Care
Andorra Family Dentistry PC
Angel Smiles Pediatric Dentistry
AnH Duong
Ann Zoledz-Hess, D.D.S.
Anthony M Mechell D.M.D
Any KMHP Dentist
Ardmore Pediatric Dental Associa
Arif S. Malik, D. D. S.
Artisan Smiles
Ashalatha Kanchaila
Aston Dental Care
Aston Family Dental Care
Bala Kids Dentistry
Bear Glasgow Dental
Benjamin McKee
Bethel Dental Associates
Bliss Dental Clinic
Brandywine Pediatrics, P.A
Brandywine Smile Center
Bresler cavity busters
Bright Choice Dental
Bright Dental Care
Brookhaven Center for Cosmetic
Brookhaven Family Dentistry
Broomall Pediatric Dentistry
Broomall Pediatric Dentistry & O
Broomall Pediatrics
Bruce Baines
CAMcare Health Corp
Campus Dental
Care Associates Dental Health
Care Dental LLC
care network karabots
Carl Moore Dental Care
Cavity Busters
Cavity Busters
Centrum Dental
Certo Dental
Charm Pediatric Dentistry LLC
Cherry Hill Family Dental
Cherry Tree Dental
Ches Penn
ChesPenn Center
chespenn dental
ChesPenn Health Services
Chester Co. Dentistry for Childr
Chester Dental Center
chez penn
Chichester Dental PC
Chidren's Dental Associates
Children's Dental
Children's Dental (Eric Felix)
Children's Dental Health
Children's Dental Health
Children's Dental Health Assoc
Children's Dental Health Assoc
Children's Dental health Assoc
children's dental health associa
Children's Dental health Associa
Children's Dental Health Associa
Children's Dental Health Media
Children's Dental Heath Assoc.
Children's Dental Surgery
Children's Dentist
Children's Dentistry
Children's Dentistry & Orthodont
Children's Surgery Center
Children's Tooth Spa
Childrens Dental Health Asso
Childrens Dental Health Assoc
Childrens Dental Health Associat
Childrens Dental Health Associat
Chinatown Dental Center
CHOP Care Network (Chadds Ford)
Chop Care Network North Hills
Christina Edomobi
Civillico Family Denistry
Claymont Family Denistry
Claymont Family Health Services
Cobblestone Kids
Coco Famille Dentistry
Collingdale Dentistry
Colonial Dental Associates
Complete Care Dental
Concord Dental
Concordville Town Centre Dental
Crescent Dental Associates
Cumani DMD
Danielle Ford
Darby Family Dental
David M Baxter
DelMarVa Dentist
Denistry for Children & Adolesce
Dental Care of Concordville
Dental Dreams
Dental Health Associates
Dental Health Care Assoc.
Dental Office
Dental Solutions
Dental University
Dentax Dental
Dentex Dental Mobile
Dentistry for Children
Dentistry for Children Phila
Dinesh Teuari
District Health Center
District Health Center #3
Dnisha Pruv
Doc Bresler's Cavity Bters
Doc Bresler's Cavity Busters
Doc Breslers Cavity Busters
Donald R Ruch, D.M.D.
Douglas R. Reich D.M.D
Dr Malay Mathur
Dr Regina Vince
Dr Sheldon M Bernick
Dr. Adel Ishak
Dr. Alan Fan
Dr. Alan Huff
Dr. Albert Turk DMD
Dr. Alexander Cruz
Dr. Ama Soleye
Dr. Amir Rabbiee
Dr. Ana Aguilera
Dr. Andrew Shore
Dr. Angel Asamosa
Dr. Angelo Cassagrande
Dr. Anh Duong
Dr. Anthony Rapoza
Dr. Appleman
Dr. Ashrafi
Dr. Asya G. Marsh
Dr. Bansi Mithani
Dr. Bernick
Dr. Bernstine
Dr. Brenda Lacy Branson, D.M.D.
Dr. Bresler
Dr. Bruce Matthews
Dr. Civillico
Dr. Clair Field
Dr. Corrie Crowe
Dr. Cumani
Dr. Cynthia Allen-Williams
Dr. Dai
Dr. Dai
Dr. Damian Milillo
Dr. David Bresler
Dr. David Freilich
Dr. David Kasey
Dr. David Waldman
Dr. Del Gasio
Dr. Delgasio
Dr. Donaghue Adrian
Dr. Donaghy
Dr. Donald Robinson
Dr. Elsie Casimir, D.M.D
Dr. Eric Felix
Dr. Eugene Young
Dr. Felix
Dr. Gelman
Dr. Gerald Regni
Dr. Gleason
Dr. Glenn Gray
Dr. Godson Asamoa
Dr. H. James Cheng DMD
Dr. Harold Reiser
Dr. Harris
Dr. Hema Nair
Dr. Host
Dr. Inna London
Dr. Irvin Paul/Michael S. Paul
Dr. J.P. Singh
Dr. Jay Garrido
Dr. Jay Goldsleger
Dr. Jay Harris
Dr. Jay Wardiso
Dr. Jill Garrido
Dr. John Del Gaiso
Dr. John Takach
Dr. Joni Marcus
Dr. Juan Espinoza
Dr. June Ellison, DMD
Dr. Kabel
Dr. Katherine Peck
Dr. Kousoulis Runsimede
Dr. Laura Jacobs
Dr. Laura Shapiro
Dr. Madhari Karnam
Dr. Maher
Dr. Malik
Dr. Manly Mincer
Dr. Maria
Dr. Maria Scott
Dr. Marongeli Pagon-Gorma
Dr. Mary McCrosson
Dr. Matt Rutherford
Dr. Matthew Frey, DMD
Dr. McGinley
Dr. Michael Afach, DMD
Dr. Michael Cooperstein
Dr. Michael Green
Dr. Micheal Friedlander
Dr. Michelle Aitken
Dr. Michelle Dai
Dr. Miniman
Dr. Mohamed Rashad
Dr. Moscow
Dr. Moskowitz
Dr. Nancy Koshetar
Dr. Natalie Debarros
Dr. Neil Moscow
Dr. Norman Schwartz DDS
Dr. Parveen Sultana
Dr. Patel
Dr. Patricia Lyons
Dr. Paul Geller
Dr. Peter Certo
Dr. Phi Luong
Dr. Prince Otosu-Mensah
Dr. Rachael Malya
Dr. Rachel Maher, DMD
Dr. Rachel Mallyn
Dr. Rachel Montgomery
Dr. Rachell Malley
Dr. Ramsey H. Chew Jr.
Dr. Randell
Dr. RB Dnysdale
Dr. Rebecca Mostatab
Dr. Rene M. Polis
Dr. Richard Blonski
Dr. Richard N. Benjamin
Dr. Richard Santos
Dr. Richard Shalom
Dr. Rob Kerns
Dr. Robert Drysdale
Dr. Robert Frankel
Dr. Roberta Host DDS
Dr. Robin Harshaw
Dr. Robyn IvKer
Dr. Rochelle Lindemeyer
Dr. Ronald Collins
Dr. Rose Wadenya
Dr. Russell Young
Dr. Rutherford
Dr. Sandra Grzybicki, DMD, PC
Dr. Sandy Harmon
Dr. Satisth Marisiddaiah
Dr. Shahab Hashemi
Dr. Shahram Shamloo
Dr. Sheeba Shaju
Dr. Sonia Barbosa-Ruiz
Dr. Soorita Goorah
Dr. Sophia Yi
Dr. Sophia Yi D.D.S.
Dr. Stefan Speck
Dr. Stephen Marinakis
Dr. Steven Solow
Dr. Steven Solow
Dr. Tanner Clark
Dr. Testa
Dr. Theresa Devine
Dr. Tomika Gum
Dr. Tripti Tewavi
Dr. Tuba Trieu DMD
Dr. Vincent Daniels, DMD
Dr. Vinit Shah, DDS
Dr. Waite
Dr. Wallengren
Dr. William Mucklow, DDS
Dr. Xuan Yin DDS
Dr. Zacharias Joseph
Dream Smile Dental
Drexel Hill Dental, P.C.
Drexel Hill Family Dentistry
Drexel Hill Pediatrics (Dental)
Eagle Crest Ped. Dentistry
Eastern Dental of Vineland
Eastern Dental of Woodbury Heigh
Einstein Heallthcare Network
Elagant Smiles
Elegant Smiles
Elite Dental
Elite Dental
Elite Dental
elite dental
Elite Dental Llc
Elite Dental LLC
Eric P. Gothelf, D.M.D.
Esperanza Health Center
Eung-Ryong Choi, MD
Excel Dental Inc
Exton pediatric & Adolescent
Fairly Thomas
Fairmont Primary Care
Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
Family Cosmetic Dentistry
Family Dental
Family Dental Care
Family Dentist
Family First Health
Family Medicine at PCOM
Fernando Dental
Flawless Dental
Fluoribediatric Dental Associate
FPCN- Health Annex
Frank Selle
Gentle Dental
Gentle Dentistry
Gentle Touch Family Dentistry
Gentle Touch Smiles for Kids
Georgia Dept. of Human Resources
Greater Philadelphia Health Act.
Growing Smiles
Happy Care Dental
Havertown Dental Association
Health Annex
Health Care Center # 9
Health Center #3
Health Center 10
Health Center 2
Health Center 6
Heath Annex
Hi-Tech Dental
Hollyland Dental Center
Hollyland Dental Center
Jai Shin
Jefferson Health Care
John Delgaiso, DMD
John Gaiso
Joni R. Marcus Associates
Joshua A. Bresler DMD
Karisa Carroll DDS
katie yori
Kennett Dental
Kids Grins
Kids Smiles
Kids Smiles
Kids Smiles 2
Kirkwood Dental Asso
Kool Koala Dentistry
Kool Smiles Dentist
Kourosh Mehrnia
Kristie Palumbo DMD
Lakambini D. Recla
Lansdowne Family Dental
Lee Dental Associates
Lima Dental Associates(Dr. Sung)
Little Tooth Pediatric Dentistry
LlA-Plus Dental Care
Lower Merion Family
Lower Merion Pediatrics & Adoles
Luminous Smiles PC
M. Mante DMD
M. Victoria Fernando
Maranatha Robertson Dental
Mark J.Sey M.D
Martin and Martin
Matthews Dental Associates
Mercy Fitgerald Hospital
Michelle Dai
Middletown Dentistry
Mobile Dentist
Modern Dental Concepts
Montefiore Dental- Schiff Clinic
Nancy Koshetar
Neighborhood and Family Health C
Neil L. Moscow, D.D.S, P.C.
Nemours Dupont Hospital for Chil
Nemours duPont Pediatrics, Villa
New Concept Dental
Newcastle Dental Associates
Newtown Family Dentistry
Norristown Regional Health Cente
Northeast Pediatric Dental
NorthEastern Dentistry @ Clifton
Northeastern Dentistry-Overbrook
Northeastern Dentistry@Cottman
Norwood Family Dentistry
Nottingham Dental Care
Nunez Dental
Omar El-Sayed,DDS
Patricia Sandiford
Pediatric Dental Associates
Pediatric Dental Associates, LTD
Pediatric Dental Team
Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Penn Dental
Penn Dental at Locust walk
Penn Faliclity Plan
Premier Dental Care
Primary Care Dental
Pristine Dental
Progressive Dental Wilmington
Quest Dental East Balitimore Med
R.T. Mark Dental Services
Rachel J. Mallyn DMD
Rapoza Family Dentistry
Richard Benjamin DDS
Ridley Dental Center
Rising Sun Dental
Rose Tree Dental Group
Saltz Dental Center
Sandy Harmon, D.D.S.
Sanford Heights Pediatrics
sea of smiles
Signature Smiles
Signature Smiles
Silly Smiles
Simply Beautiful Smiles
Smile Care center
Smile City Dentistry
Smile Concepts Dental
Smile Dental Center
Smile Exchange
Smile Exchange
Smile Team
Smiles Family Dentristy
Smita Gaikwad, MD
Snyder Avenue Dental
Snyder Dental Center
Southeast Health Center
Spectrum Dental
St. Christophers
Star Dental
Star Dental Inc.
Stephen Family Dentistry
Stephen Huang
Steven Solow D.M.D.
Swiatowicz Dentas Associates
Temple Episcopal
Temple Peds
Temple Univ School Of Dentistry
The Dental Health Center
The Health Annex Dental Dept
Top of the Hill Orthodontics & P
Torresdale Dental Associates
tower health urgent care
Tri-County Pediatrics
U Of Penn School Of Dental Med
United Concordia
United Dental Care
University of Pennsylvania Schoo
Upper Darby Denistry
Upper Merion Dental Associates
Urban Health Plan Inc.
village family dental
Wahl Family Dentistry
Wardius Dental
Widener Comm. Nursing Clinic
Wild smiles
Williamburgs Dental
Willingboro Family Dental, P.A.
Wilson Park Dental Center
Woodland Ave Health Center #9
Woodland Dental
Woodlyn Dental Associates
Yeadon Family Dentistry
Yes Dental
Does your child have a disability or do you have any concerns about your child's development? (Required)
Is there anything else you want to tell us about your child?
Location Preferences
Which program are you applying for? (Required)
Early Head Start
FREE program for families living in Delaware County through age 3
Early Head Start
FREE program for working families living in Delaware County through age three
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2nd Location Preference
3rd Location Preference
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Do you want to apply now for another child in your family?
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Please check your email for a confirmation of your application submission. Your application will be forwarded to the appropriate staff and you will hear from us shortly to set an appointment to bring required documents. To further prepare for your appointment, please gather the following documents. These documents will be required to complete your registration. Without the following, your registration will be considered incomplete. The required documents are: - Birth certificates for all children in the house. - Proof of income. (If paid bi-weekly, you need to bring two (2) consecutive paystubs. If paid weekly, you need to bring four (4) consecutive paystubs. You can also bring your W-2, 1040 or 1090 from the previous year. If you receive public assistance, child support, SSI or are applying for a foster child, please bring the print-out indicating the amount you receive monthly) - Physical – must be current within one year. - Up-to-date immunization records (shot records). - Dental – must be current within six months. - Health Insurance card. - Allergy forms (If your child has any allergies, please make sure to bring completed allergy forms to your appointment). - Picture ID for all adults in the house. - Recent utility bill. - WIC ID (If you are receiving WIC services). - CCIS letter or waitlist letter (if receiving CCIS). Again, we look forward to working with your family! Thank you for partnering with us!
Required information is missing, see above.