FNA Head Start 0-5 is a family centered program dedicated to a quality school readiness learning opportunity for pregnant women and students ages 0-5 years old in the Fairbanks North Star Borough.

Enrollment into Fairbanks Native Association 0-5 Head Start Program is ongoing.
Please submit completed application with the following documents:

    •Proof of Age
    •Proof of Tribal Enrollment (if applicable)
    •Foster Care Documentation
    •Public Assistance Documentation
    •IFSP / IEP or Health Plan (If applicable)
    •If Parent is a student, please provide proof of registration (Current School Year)

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at 907-451-8814 Ext. 6522 or via email: enrollment@fairbanksnative.org

Please answer questions about education, employment and income based on the date of the application. For teen parents, only enter "Yes" if 19 years of younger on the date of application.
Click here to find a provider in your area.
Only complete this section if the Secondary Adult is currently living in the home, being supported by the same income and related by blood, marriage or adoption.
For ASAP, TANF, SSI, WIC or SNAP only answer "Yes" if you are currently receiving those benefits. Eligibility letters or government issued documentation will be requested.
If your child has an IFSP or IEP in place, please place the diagnosis along with services begin and end dates in the notes section below.
- Your Address - Available Locations
Click a location on the map to see more info
Click here to find a provider in your area.

Do you want to apply now for another child in your family?

Add Another Applicant

Are there other children in the family?

Add a Sibling

Thank you for applying to see if you qualify for Fairbanks Native Association Head Start 0-5 Program.

After you click the “Submit Application” button below, you will receive an email confirming that your application has been received. A staff member will contact you after submission of online application. Your selected Program can be changed at a later date, if needed.

We appreciate your interest in joining the program and look forward to speaking with you!
Required information is missing, see above.