Welcome to Bingman Head Start's online application for the 2025-26 school year. Head Start is a low-income program which follows the Federal Poverty Guidelines of 2025 for participation. Full income for 2024 will have to be confirmed in order to qualify (Income Tax, TANF, SSI, Child Support, etc). Here are the other items needed: child applicants up-to date immunization record; Social Security card; Birth Certificate; Medicaid or insurance card, Food Stamps letter, and primary adult's Driver's License. A medical and dental form will also be needed from your child's physician and dentist provider. Please complete all information.
This is the primary adult living in the house, caring for the child.
Click here to find a provider in your area.
Only complete this section if the Secondary Adult is currently living in the home, being supported by the same income and related by blood, marriage, or adoption.

Are there other adults in the household?

Add Another Adult
For TANF, SSI, WIC or SNAP only answer 'Yes' if you are currently receiving those benefits. Proof of Income and copies of award letters will be requested.
It is important to complete as much information as possible for the child registering for the program.
- Your Address - Available Locations
Click a location on the map to see more info
Click here to find a provider in your area.

Do you want to apply now for another child in your family?

Add Another Applicant

Are there other children in the family?

Add a Sibling
Thank you for completing the online application. Please make sure you have entered all information requested. A family worker will be reaching out to you via phone to obtain the needed documents to complete your application. An appointment will be set for you to bring all paper documents to complete the application process. Please be mindful, that without all documents we cannot consider your application as active for consideration for the 2025-26 school year.
Required information is missing, see above.