Parent/Caregiver, you are about to begin the 1st step in enrolling your child in one of our PSFC programs. Please answer all questions and leave NO blanks in the application as this may slow your enrollment process. You must list everyone living in household and all income for everyone living in household. • If you are enrolling a child between the ages of 6 weeks and up to their 3rd birthday you must complete the Infant Toddler Application • If you are enrolling a child between the ages of 3 years and up to their 5th birthday you must complete the Head Start/PreK Application • If you are enrolling a child between the age of 5 year and up to their 12th birthday you must complete the School Age Application Si necesitas ayuda completando esta aplicacion por problema de lenguaje favor de llamar a la oficina mas cercana a usted para assistencia. If you need assistance completing this application process, please call the main office number (570) 421-2676
Click here to find a provider in your area.

Are there other adults in the household?

Add Another Adult
- Your Address - Available Locations
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Click here to find a provider in your area.

Do you want to apply now for another child in your family?

Add Another Applicant

Are there other children in the family?

Add a Sibling
Thank you for completing this step in the enrollment process. The next step will be that the Recruitment Specialist will be in contact with you to finalize your application.
Required information is missing, see above.