Thank you for your interest in Head Start. When completing the application, please enter the information to the best of your knowledge.
Click here to find a provider in your area.
Secondary adult includes any adults that live that a related to the child by biological, marriage, adoption, or foster or is being supported by income.

Are there other adults in the household?

Add Another Adult
- Your Address - Available Locations
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Click here to find a provider in your area.

Do you want to apply now for another child in your family?

Add Another Applicant

Are there other children in the family?

Add a Sibling
When you have completed the application, you will receive an email to let you know the application has been submitted to our agency. We will need a copy of your child's proof of birth (i.e. birth certificate or insurance cards) as well as proof of any income for the family members (i.e. 1040 tax forms, W2s, public assistance, SNAP verification). We will contact you for a follow up interview. Thank You!
Required information is missing, see above.